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A treaty to end the age of plastic

June 26, 2023

A Treaty to End the Age of Plastic-At the global plastics treaty talks, we, the people, need to speak louder than the plastic-addicted corporations

I wholeheartedly agree with Marian Ledesma’s call for action and support her advocacy for a strong global plastics treaty. It is high time we address the plastic pollution crisis that has had devastating effects on our environment and communities.

The upcoming negotiations present a crucial opportunity to make a real difference. We must ensure that the treaty addresses the entire lifecycle of plastic, including production, use, and waste management. Limiting and reducing total plastic production and encouraging refill and reuse systems are essential steps towards sustainability and climate change mitigation.

It is disheartening to see big corporations falling short of their commitments and obstructing legislative efforts. This further highlights the urgency for individuals and communities to raise their voices and hold these companies accountable. We must amplify the voices of those directly impacted by plastic pollution, including front-line communities, waste pickers, and displaced populations, to ensure that their experiences and knowledge shape the decision-making process.

Furthermore, the treaty should prioritize environmental justice and a just transition for all stakeholders. It should take into account the disproportionate burden borne by communities near plastic production facilities and those most vulnerable to plastic pollution. By centering the interests of people and the planet, we can foster a more sustainable and equitable future.

We must support the reuse revolution and champion local and national policies that drive systemic change. Plastic bans and extended producer responsibility measures are steps in the right direction, and we should continue to push for their implementation.

As concerned citizens, let us unite and make our voices heard louder than ever before. Let us demand that the Global Plastics Treaty lives up to its potential and becomes a milestone in environmental history. Together, we can end the age of plastic and pave the way for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world.

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